The Engagement Imperative
The Education Leadership Conference Returns on April 19th, 2025! 

The 2025 Education Leadership Conference will explore the evolving challenges and opportunities in student, family, and staff engagement and its impact on postsecondary success. Heightened attention to chronic absenteeism, growing dissatisfaction with our K-12 education system, and rapid technological change compels us to reimagine how we can keep students, families, and staff invested in school and ensure students thrive in whatever comes next. The opportunity to empower students to drive their own learning and parents to voice their vision while standing up for staff is upon us, and it is up to us to seize it. 

Join us in bold conversation on restoring trust in public education, forging holistic partnerships to boost engagement, supporting student and teacher well-being, strengthening staff morale, contending with the appropriate role of technology in schools, leveraging career and college access to drive greater student investment, and exploring other innovative strategies for re-engagement.

Our theme for this year’s conference is The Engagement Imperative: Rethinking Student, Family and Staff Engagement where we will be asking how have education leaders navigated the challenges and enhanced engagement within their schools and school systems? Join us as we explore the strategies employed by K-12 leaders to assess the disruption, reimagine their systems, and spearhead innovations.


The Engagement Imperative


THE CONFERENCE: April 19, 2025

The conference will feature 6 panel discussions and 2 keynotes:

  • Having Teachers’ Back

  • Technology in Schools: Should Cell Phones Stay or Go?

  • Early College and Work-Based Learning

  • Expanding Choices, Building Equity: The Role of School Models in Engaging Families

  • Navigating Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Polarization in Schools

  • Leveraging Behavioral Economics to Drive Attendance



Early bird registrations for the conference are now open! Please refer below for the ticket prices:

  • General - Early Bird: $60

  • General - Regular Admission: $100

  • Teacher & Student - Early Bird: $60

  • Teacher & Student - Regular Admission: $70



Join us in-person for this year's conference at the Yale School of Management’s Evans Hall (165 Whitney Avenue) in New Haven, Connecticut. Named among the 52 must-visit destinations worldwide in 2023 by The New York Times, New Haven sets the stage for an inspiring and enriching conference experience. Press here for more information on how to get to the conference.


Our Mission

The Yale School of Management Education Leadership Conference seeks to create a constructive dialogue about how leadership skills applied to the education sector can be used to solve the most pressing and complex challenges in education.

Learn more about our history and prior conferences.

Past ELC in Numbers


years hosting the ELC

Challenging leaders to think critically about the biggest questions facing education.



Panels and workshops aNNUALLY

Engage in discussions and connect with other professionals across a diverse range of topics through panels, interactive sessions, workshops, and expos.



ATTENDEES annually

Each year our attendees represent leaders affecting education outcomes at all levels, from the community and classroom to state and federal education policy professionals.

 A Special Thanks to Our 2025 Sponsors without whom our event would not be possible

 The Education Leadership Conference is a student-led conference at the Yale School of Management.