Rebecca Wilusz


REBECCA WILUSZ has worked in K-12 schools for over 25 years and currently serves as the Executive Administrator for the 5 District Partnership. She taught high school English and Integrated Humanities for more than a decade in addition to holding school-based, teacher leadership roles as a mentor teacher, team leader, department chair, and program lead in MA public schools. After gaining her administrative license she served in building-based leadership roles including Assistant Principal, Dean of Students, Principal, and Dean of Curriculum. She has experience planning and leading teacher professional learning, facilitating vertical and horizontal alignment of curriculum and instruction, supporting shifts to culturally responsive and student centered mindsets and practices, and facilitating implementation of innovative programs and practices.

Working for several years as a school improvement and change coach, Rebecca worked with schools and districts to support the implementation of equity focused initiatives such as standards aligned curriculum, assessment, and grading, teacher alignment of practice and assessment, student-centered learning strategies such as project based learning and deeper learning, and relationship focused programs such as advisory and restorative practices. She worked with state Agencies of Education, districts, and schools in urban, suburban, and rural settings throughout ME, VT, NH, CT, and MA.

Rebecca is licensed in MA as an English teacher, Principal, and Assistant Superintendent/Superintenden. In addition to her educational licenses, Rebecca holds several professional coaching certifications including Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and Certified Neuro-Transformational Coach (CNTC). She has been a Critical Friends Group coach and coach trainer since 2002 as well.