Julia Miller
Julia Miller, the 2025 Connecticut Teacher of the Year, is a proud New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) teacher, parent and alumni. A social studies teacher committed to antiracist education and project-based learning, her goal for her students is for them to become informed and active community members who feel empowered to make change. Currently in her 18th year in the classroom, Miller teaches a 10th Grade education course, 11th Grade civics, and a 12th Grade restorative justice law class at Metropolitan Business Academy. She received a Bachelors of Arts from New York University’s Gallatin School, a Masters of Arts from Columbia University’s Teachers College, and a Sixth Year Certificate in Educational Leadership from Southern Connecticut State University.
Miller leads new initiatives including the Metro Youth Justice Program, a student-led restorative justice program in her school that aims to repair harm, provide accountability, and support students who make mistakes. She also helped launch a “Grow Your Own” model to nurture the next generation of NHPS teachers through the creation of a new Education and Leadership pathway. She serves as pathway co-lead and is a Teacher Leader with Educators Rising.
Miller plays a variety of leadership roles as grade level team lead, member of the Leadership and School Planning and Management Teams, student council advisor, and mentor teacher. She collaborates with community partners and universities, and is a steering committee member of the Anti-Racist Teaching and Learning Collective. Miller has facilitated professional learning workshops at both the local and national level.